Africa in fashion
Africa in Fashion
luxury, craft & textile heritage

"A stunning and educative triptych on the captivating history of African fashion"
Maggie Knap - Library journal.
Beginning in the late 20th century, Africa in Fashion explores Africa's global influence on fashion while examining the impact of socio-economic forces, transnational trade, and colonization on indigenous dress and textile history.It examines the potential of Africa's vibrant fashion industry and ushers the reader into the spectacular realms of the continent's most dynamic brands.
Masterclass on the Modern History of African Fashion.
Come along, on a breathtaking journey into the modern history of African fashion delivered through compelling storytelling and bite-sized lessons.REDISCOVER the history of the pioneers and the vanguard of contemporary designers. UNRAVEL the rich tapestry of evocative textiles and the craftsmanship of ancient masters.
Enroll to deepen your knowledge of African fashion and material culture and UNLEASH your creative vision.

Meet the Author
Ken Kweku Nimo
With nearly a decade of research and personal experience of African fashion, Ken is an expert of the field. He holds a MA in Design (Fashion) from the University of Johannesburg and writes about African fashion, luxury and material culture.He has published in the Journal of Design, Business and Society, and the Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. He is a contributing author of Fashion Marketing in Emerging Markets by Springer, and wrote a review of the book 'Sustainable Luxury and Jewelry' for Luxury Studies.
As Seen in
* afterthoughts to a completed letter, article or book.
Your dossier of refreshing and bit-sized thoughts and perspectives on African fashion, lifestyle and material culture.
A hyper-lapse of the author's journey and global engagements on the business of African fashion.
Now available in German
Luxus, Handwerk und textiles Erbe
Eine grossartig bebilderte und perfekt recherchierte Feier der afrikanischen Mode und Ihres Einflusses auf die Mode weltweit.

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